A Balanced Flow Wellness trainer facilitating a Miha Bodytec session as an alternative HIIT Programs near Lincoln Park

Miha Bodytec in Chicago

Revolutionize Your Exercise Routine

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Benefits of Miha Bodytec

  • More Results in Less Time

    If you have 20 minutes of free time, you can accomplish an entire week’s worth of exercise in just one session! A single session can have muscle activity than running a marathon.

  • Full Body Everytime

    Miha Bodytec trains every part of your body for full-body fitness, with adjustable individual areas for customized fitness. No more keeping track of leg or arm day.

  • Benefits for All Levels

    Whether you’ve never done a fitness routine or you’re an athlete looking to gain an edge, Miha personalized EMS training provides phenomenal benefits at every fitness level.

Achieve Maximum Results In 20 Minutes

Exercise plays an important role in achieving the body you want, and one of the biggest obstacles to a consistent exercise routine is time. Between work, family activities, chores, and hobbies, adding in a 1-hour workout session several times a week usually gets pushed to the back burner. But what if you could get the benefit of multiple workouts in a single 20-minute session?

We offer innovative whole-body EMS training with Miha Bodytec technology at Balanced Flow Wellness, so you can make the most of both your health and time. A 20-minute workout with Miha Bodytec in Chicago is equivalent to 2.5 hours of high-intensity interval training (HIIT)!

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What Miha BodyTec Does

20 minutes with Miha is equivalent to 2.5 hours of HIIT

4 to 9% average body fat reduction in 6 sessions

25% increase in strength

20% increase in speed and explosiveness

14x drop in total cholesterol (compared regular exercise)

90% muscle fiber recruitment (vs. 40% in regular exercise)

2x improvement in anaerobic capacity

40% increase in breathing efficiency

13% improvement in hip-to-waist ratio

Check out Balanced Flow’s miha training in the media!


Fox 32

The Miha Bodytec Training Process

Step 1: Consultation

Before you begin your fitness routine with Miha enhanced EMS training, we sit down with you in a consultation to thoroughly understand your situation, your goals, and your medical history. We'll also start with a body composition scan so we can track your progress. With the information you give us, we develop a comprehensive wellness program for you that includes Miha Bodytec training for optimal fitness.
A Balanced Flow Wellness trainer facilitating a Miha Bodytec session as an alternative HIIT Programs near Lincoln Park

Step 2: Miha Bodytec Session

Miha Bodytec uses controlled electrical impulses to intensify muscle contractions and maximize the benefits of your movements. Our staff will outfit you with an underlayer, vest and attachments for your hips, legs, and arms. You can leave your workout clothes at home. Our medically trained movement experts will then guide you through a 12 to 20-minute movement sequence that matches your ability. The body suit alternates between impulses for muscle contractions and rest periods.
Miha Bodytec for cardio and strength training near Lincoln Park

Step 3: Results

We implement a personalized Miha EMS session once a week into your wellness program to achieve your results. Over the course of several weeks to months, you can expect to see changes in your body composition, performance, and strength thanks to Miha Bodytec in Chicago!

Learn More About Ways We Can Help

We offer many wellness services in addition to training with Miha Bodytec in Chicago. Use our treatment planning tool to instantly learn about which services may be a good fit for you.

Treatment Planning Tool


  • Jojo L.

    Look Better


    Perform Better

    Watch Jojo’s testimony on MIHA EMS!

    “I’ve seen it improve my tennis game, my overall endurance. I feel like between my strength and building more muscle has really helped with everything that I do. The instructors here are amazing.”

  • Allie K.

    Feel Better


    Hear about Allie’s experience participating in MIHA EMS Training!

    “For me, time is money, especially for the fact that I’m constantly working around the clock, and I have kids to take care of. I can pick one day, one session, and it eliminates me having to go to the gym everyday.”

Frequently Asked Questions About Miha Bodytec in Chicago

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Balanced Approach to Wellness

Our goal at Balanced Flow Wellness is to help you restore, elevate and optimize your health in every aspect. We believe in implementing sustainable changes to your lifestyle that maximize all areas of wellness. Our approach works best with those who are willing to take active steps toward well-being.

About Us